Benefits of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Part 2

Following up on our last post on Benefits of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), we dwell deeper into the first 2 points in greater depth today.


Electronic muscle stimulation can strategically target specific muscles for isolated strengthening. Careful placement of adhesive electrodes (or gel pads) can determine not only which muscle or muscles are to be recruited, but also how well these muscles are recruited. EMS used on glutes, hamstrings and calves can help with stride extension and power for running, while work on the quadriceps can assist with eccentric strength and reduce ground contact times. EMS has also been used for strengthening the bottom of the feet.

While EMS targets specific muscles isometrically, it must be combined with regular sprinting and running to allow for the gains in raw strength to be converted to coordinated strength and power. Studies have also show that there is a lag in adaptive response – with full gains in strength not realized until four to six weeks after an EMS training block has been concluded. It is important to note that the best results are realized under conditions of significant contraction – which can be quite uncomfortable, bordering on excruciating. It may take several sessions for an individual to get to a point where they can tolerate the higher levels of stimulation required for significant strength adaptation.

Muscle Re-Education and Atrophy Reduction

In cases where an injury has been incurred and an athlete must accelerate strengthening or off-set muscle atrophy, EMS can play an important role. This is very common when a joint injury occurs, the limb cannot be used and muscles are not being worked normally. A foot or ankle injury is a perfect example of this application. The EMS unit can be used to work quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves when the athlete cannot properly walk or run for the initial stages of rehabilitation. For the athlete that sprains their ankle or knee in the latter stages of their training cycle, EMS can help to maintain muscle strength until you are ready to resume conventional training.

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